Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get to know me

I am Suzanne Koelling a 33 year old mother of one, and a wife. I am a stay at home mom for the time being, and I love that. I wish we had more money but the time spent with my family is undescribable. I am a Christian, one with flaws, but I believe in the Bible, and the power of God thru Christ Jesus is a wonderous thing, and he still performs miracles. I believe that God loves all of us the same, and sees our hearts not our bodies.
Guess what? I am fat. Obese, overweight, whatever you want to call me, it is true, that is what I am. I am not completely this way because I don't exercise, and because I eat poorly. This is partially true but not completely the only reason. The reasons however do not matter. What does matter is that I am a really cool person with a lot of interests and talent. I have been given so many great gifts, and have a great life, except sometimes I am self concious, and feel like I am not worth much. I feel this way and then it my feelings are "confirmed" by someone who is hateful and uncaring. If it were an issue of race or religion someone would be outraged, saddend or even ispired to act on my behalf. No need I am all of those things,and I am acting. Yes I am a big girl, but in God's eyes I am perfectly and wonderfully made, and he thinks I and you are to die for.
Please feel free to share your stories with me as well. Tomorrow I plan on talking about how to move forward fromanger and become better than what you are facing, I would love to hear how you have done this or struggles that you are trying to overcome.

1 comment:

  1. I never move forward from anger...I am interested in your thoughts.
